Ring Fit Adventure

Game Information

Publisher: Nintendo

Available: Nintendo Switch

Grandma Proof: Seniors may need help with navigation.

Cost:  $80 for the game and the ring

Bottom Line: Seniors may enjoy this game as a way to stay fit. 


Detailed Review

Is the senior in your life interested in fitness? If so, Ring Fit Adventure may be the perfect game for them. 

In Ring Fit Adventure, players explore a huge fantasy world and defeat enemies using a ring for exercises. It is centered around a fitness journey where the player, through completing various levels, battles enemies and progresses through a story. It also features a variety of exercises that target different parts of the body, such as squats, yoga poses, and arm workouts.

The game comes with a controller, called the Ring-Con, which players use to perform exercises and control their character. Most exercise games involve pressing together the sides of the ring, which can be a surprisingly good workout. One Switch controller goes into the ring, and the other goes into a leg strap. 

The game also does a great job of making it into a full-body exercise with walking or jogging in place or some simple calisthenics. 

The switch

To get the senior in your life acclimated to the game, start by playing the Quick Play games. There are several to choose from. Then, for more serious exercise, Adventure mode is where you walk or jog in place while shooting at monsters on the path. 

At the end of each level, there is a boss to beat. You beat the boss by doing some calisthenics. This part of the game could get frustrating if the senior in our life has knee problems. Hang around to watch Grandma play so you can help her beat the boss. Overall, Ring Fit Adventure is a unique and entertaining way to incorporate exercise into gaming. It has received positive reviews for its fun gameplay, effective workout routines, and motivational features.

If interested in the Ring Fit Adventure, click on the link below to buy

Gaming with Grandma

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