
Game Information

Publisher: People Fun

Available: AppStore for iOS and Google Play for Android devices

Grandma Proof: Easy and relaxing, although it has pop-ups with coins for sale. 

Cost: Free with Add-ons. We recommend that you purchase the add-on to remove the advertisements from the app. 

Bottom Line: This is an addictive game that is easy enough for seniors to play! 


Wordscapes is a word hunt game where you search for words from six or seven letters. You drag your fingers over the letter to spell out the words. The purpose of Wordscapes is to create words from random letters to fill a crossword puzzle. This game currently has 6000 levels with an infinite number of extra master levels that players can access after completing the first 6,000. 

Wordscape level up img
Wordscape Level 1356

When you start to play the game, there are instructions along the way that guide you in gameplay. As you play, there are many built-in rewards that will make the senior in your life want to keep playing. The game gradually increases in difficulty as you play.

Each time you finish a level, you are rewarded with a new background and more coins. Coins are used to purchase hints. You can simply touch the hint buttons to use the coins.

If Grandma is stuck on a level, then she can always play the daily game. There is one new game every day. 

One note of caution is that there are a lot of pop-ups to buy coins. Coins can be used to “buy a letter”. If you buy coins every time you are stuck, where is the challenge? Teach Grandma to work through the challenges of word finding and not to give up and buy coins. 

We do recommend that you purchase the Add-on to remove the advertisements. Removing the advertisements will increase the enjoyment of the game with no interruptions.

Download Here!

Gaming with Grandma

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